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How and Why Manufacturers Should Suggest Financing to Their Authorized Resellers 

Providing low monthly payments allows businesses to increase sales. Getting your products and brand into the hands of your target consumer audience is essential to growing your business. Like typical retailers, your reseller partners and franchises need to sell more and help their consumers make their purchases more easily. Read on to learn how manufacturers can request that their authorized resellers start offering consumer financing today.

Build Positive Relationships with Authorized Resellers

Resellers need payment options for their consumers. You can deliver. Providing realistic, simple, and affordable financing promotes a positive consumer experience. When your authorized resellers present simple, straightforward options to their customers, the consistent repayment terms, autopayment, and reasonable and fair rates make purchases more accessible.

Resellers and retailers, like manufacturers, need avenues to streamline their business operations. Your reseller partners rely on you to offer the right financing partner for their business and their customers. Doing so reduces the stress of choosing a financing plan themselves. By choosing United Consumer Financial Services for your resellers, they save time and find the best solution for their business.

Consumer financing empowers your reseller partners/franchises to close more deals with their consumers. When they can increase their sales volume, they sell more, and you sell more. Providing a path to affordable consumer financing helps your resellers build positive relationships with their customers. You give them the convenience and ease they need in deploying a consumer financing program and all the marketing support that comes with a partnership, and they present your products and brand to their audience.

Make Financing a Part of Your Reseller and Franchisee Relationships

As you onboard new authorized resellers and franchise locations, make the financing conversation a core component of that process. Resellers need financing options to ensure their consumer customers can better afford to make their purchases. Include consumer financing—or low monthly payments—in the required list or suggested list of franchisee options in your franchise disclosure document.

Resellers might not realize the importance of consumer financing when looking to become a part of your brand. But why? Most businesses are quite familiar with traditional payments, like cash or credit. They don’t consider financing their sales to be an immediate need. When you partner with the right financing firm, your resellers benefit. Help them see that when they offer financing to their consumers, they can increase their sales volume without the burden (and practically impossible) task of a cash payment from their customers.

Offering financing to consumers to sell your products should be a natural step for your resellers because it is central to your relationship and frequently comes up in sales conversations.

Make Consumer Credit Applications Quick and Easy

When your authorized resellers are making decisions regarding payment options, they need purchase avenues that are straightforward and efficient. Present reseller partners with a financing firm that makes the credit application quick and simple. Convenience and ease determine whether resellers will take advantage of a financing program. And it’s when they capitalize on financing that they can increase the number of customers served, which increases their sales and, of course, increases your sales.

After submitting a simple credit application to UCFS, resellers want and need a quick credit decision so they can proceed with their sale. Timely credit decisions allow resellers to help their customers make their purchases. Reducing the time between the application and the sale helps you sell more and empowers your resale partners to order more stock, which boosts your revenue. 

Give Consumers a Payment Option that Serves Them

Authorized resellers are your primary avenue for selling more. Treat them well. They need to offer a payment option to their customers to increase consumer purchasing power and maximize every dollar spent with your franchises/resellers.

Offering financing for customers of your authorized resellers helps consumers avoid the frustrations and financial burdens associated with traditional cash and credit payments. When a purchase is in the thousands of dollars range, cash isn’t typically an option. Charging that amount to a credit card can also harm consumers. Traditional credit card companies charge impossibly high interest rates. And unless the consumer pays off their balance right away, their repayment could last for years, meaning interest builds, and the buyer is paying as much interest as the original purchase.

As you converse with resellers about how to help their customers make their purchases, financing is a truly viable option. When you suggest and partner with a firm like United Consumer Financial Services, you provide authorized resellers with low monthly payments that serve their customers now and in the future. We provide reasonable interest rates that remain consistent with their customers, regardless of the consumer’s credit quality. Repayment timelines and affordable rates reduce the overall interest consumers must pay, leaving more money in their accounts for their day-to-day spending.

UCFS provides financing options that allow consumers to buy their products immediately instead of saving for years to make their purchases. Choose a financing firm that delivers payment options that serve your resellers, allowing them to sell more and grow their business.

Give Resellers a Financing Partner They Can Trust

The financing partner you choose for your resellers to offer their consumers can directly affect their sales. United Consumer Financial Services provides financing solutions you and your partners can trust. Serving clients like you (and customers like yours) for more than 45 years, we have the time-tested experience that allows us to anticipate and meet needs to deliver a superior financing experience for all parties.

In the same way, consumer financing provides a path to purchase for retail clients, it increases accessibility and affordability for authorized resellers. Give your resellers and franchises the financing resources they need. Contact our team today to learn how our solution can serve your resellers and help them grow their business.