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Best Veterinary Management Software Programs To Demo In 2025

What is veterinary practice management software?

Veterinarians utilize veterinary practice management (VPM) software to manage their patients’ basic information and treatment plans. This type of software provides invaluable help with diagnostics, treatment development, and ongoing health management.

Additionally, it is used to manage office functions from scheduling to accounting. For instance, administrative personnel can easily keep track of payments and all patient communications. Additionally, this software can usually be integrated with software designed to process claims.

The benefits of veterinary practice management software

Client and animal care benefits allow vets to maintain a close watch over their non-human charges. VPM software ensures vets are current on pet needs from scheduling to record access.

However, VPM software often comes with a host of wellness and exercise plans vets can recommend to pet owners to help overweight or malnourished pets. In addition, because vets often deal with emergencies, these programs are often integrated with x-ray scheduling. Finally, many veterinarian offices double as food and toy stores. To serve these needs, many VPM programs can help with inventory management.

They also offer billing solutions, track outstanding bills, and issue follow-up reminders from a business perspective.

1. IDEXX Cornerstone Veterinary Software

The American Animal Hospital Association recommended that Cornerstone Veterinary Software by IDEXX is a management solution designed specifically for veterinarians. This one-stop management software provides veterinarians with appointment details, vaccination records and prescriptions, and much more. Additionally, you can access a health network, automatic reminders, and even utilize the marketing features and automated surveys to help keep your practice on top. Backup and recovery services are also included.

Free trial – There is a free trial available for online registrants.

Pricing – For pricing information, you must contact IDEXX for a demo.

Mobile app – There are a variety of mobile apps available for integration. Additionally, IDEXX continually adds new apps to extend the capabilities of its core software.

Software host location – Hosting is online, and each client receives a cornerstone server.

Training – A free demonstration of the software is available for online registrants. Additionally, IDEXX provides registrants access to their online learning center.

Support – Customer support is available by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


2. ezyVet

With ezyVet, you can quickly and easily manage veterinarian responsibilities, such as client information, financials, and lab integrations. In addition, this VPM software can be easily tailored to support virtually any veterinarian service, including small practices or those providing emergency services and specialist services.

Free trial – You can book a free demonstration of the software at ezyVet’s office or through a live webinar, which utilizes an application that supports screen sharing.

Pricing – Monthly subscription fees range from $150 for one user to $1,250 for 50 to 75 users. In addition, a one-time payment of $2,500 covers installation. Additional fees may be incurred based on set-up requirements specific to the practice.

Mobile app – For large animal and equine veterinarians that use ezyVet, the ezyVet Go app helps to simplify the workflow. It is a paid add-on that is available for Android and iOS devices.

Software hosting location – ezyVet is cloud-based.

Training – Onsite training is available. You can choose between a half-day of training for $800 or a full day of training for $1,250.

Support – All subscriptions include phone support 24 hours a day.


3. eVetPractice

eVetPractice offers a host of solutions for vets. These include standard scheduling, a pet-owner portal, and reporting options. However, they also have pet wellness plans, IDEXX VetConnect Plus Lab integration, and access to the VetData Marketplace.

In all, eVetPractice offers a comprehensive suite of services–then steps it up and provides more.

Additional features

  • x-ray scheduling
  • pet exercise planning
  • microchip registration
  • in-house lab tracking and reporting

Finally, for offices that conduct pet boarding, eVetPracice also offers a boarding scheduler and billing to take care of the entire business.

Free trial – eVetPractice offers a 30-day free trial.

Pricing – $100 per month

Mobile app – The mobile app is compatible with iOS and Android phones.

Software hosting location – eVetPractice is cloud-based.

Training – Training is available via a variety of modes.

  • in-person
  • online
  • webinar
  • documentation

Support – Support is available online around the clock.


4. Hippo Manager Software

For non-tech vets, Hippo Manager Software is a top-notch system. Users report that it is easy to use, and it offers all the features a vet requires.

  • scheduling
  • follow-up reminders
  • unlimited data storage

Free trial – A 30-day free trial is available.

Pricing – After the trial ends, prices begin at $119 per month for commercial vets and $99 for non-profit organizations.

Mobile app – Hippo Manager does not offer a pet-owner portal or a mobile app.

Software hosting location – Hippo Manager is cloud-based.

Training – Training is provided as necessary on an unlimited basis.

Support – Support is provided as required on an unlimited basis, but only during standard business hours.


5. NaVetor

NaVetor offers vets the ability to maintain a hands-on practice in that the software is so simple to use it can easily be used for startup offices or one-person practices. That said, for larger departments, it offers scheduling solutions and a user-friendly, medical-record entry system for digital record keeping.

Pet information is maintained and ready at a glance, and with a click of a mouse, a client has access to a pet’s complete history. In addition, billing services are easy to understand and maintain. Finally, vets have access to complete inventory management and re-ordering system, ensuring they always have the medications and ancillary items pets often need.

Free trial – Clients can order a free demo.

Pricing – Pricing is a monthly subscription of $129 per month.

Mobile app – The NaVetor app is available for iOS systems only.

Software hosting location – NaVetor is cloud-based.

Training – NaVetor offers in-depth, in-person training. However, they also provide a wide range of online documentation, videos, and webinars.

Support – Support is available 24/7 via a live agent.


6. ImproMed

For vets that deal primarily with the traditional dog or cat, ImproMed offers a full suite of veterinarian solutions. However, their service also specializes in equine service and medication, allowing rural vets to service horses.

ImproMed offers vets the tools necessary to advise pet owners on various proactive health regimens for their pets, from wellness plans to treatments plans. In addition, ImproMed offers scheduling services and billing and balance tracking in business tools.

Free trial – ImproMed does not offer a free trial.


Pricing is only available after a business consultation designed to match the best suite of services to a company’s needs.

Mobile app – A new Android-compatible app is now available, allowing clients to stay connected to records for after-hour calls or times they are away from the office.

Software hosting location – Windows installations are available. No online access or Apple installations are available.

Training – Training is available during regular business hours. For after-hour training, online resources are available.

Support – Live assistance is available after hours. Assistance is also offered online.


7. VetBadger

VetBadger is known for its simplicity, but that does not mean it does not offer comprehensive services. For instance, it provides the typical scheduling and billing capabilities and is fully integrated with exam reporting and note-taking. In addition, it offers an expedited check-in process that helps maximize the number of clients a vet can see, and it provides a full suite of bookkeeping capabilities in that it is integrated with Quickbooks.

Free trial – Clients can schedule a demo, and a free trial is also available for online registrants.

Pricing – For one to two users, prices start at $99. However, packages are also available for additional users as follows.

  • three to 10 users: $249 per month
  • 11 to 20 users: $449 per month
  • 21 to 40 users: $599 per month

Mobile app – A mobile app is not available.

Software hosting location – VetBadger is cloud-based.

Training – Training is offered at the vet’s office, and vets can also receive training online.

Support – Support is available online during regular business hours.


8. Shepherd

Shepherd is a newer software suite that offers a host of front-office solutions, ranging from appointment making to records tracking. Of course, client reminders are available, as is the option to issue invoices automatically. Medical records are ready, and the entire software program is so efficient that users report an overall increase in revenue of 13 percent.

Free trial – A free trial is available.

Pricing –
The pricing is established for offices with up to seven vets at the following fee schedule.

  • one user: $299 per month
  • two to three users: $499 per month
  • four to seven users: $749 per month

Mobile app – The software is compatible with any device, ensuring that vets can run their business anywhere.

Software hosting location – Shepherd is cloud-based.

Training – Training is based online but can be scheduled for in-office visits.

Support – Support is available online during standard hours.


9. Provet Cloud

Provet Cloud offers vets the ability to run a comprehensive animal hospital. Of course, it provides a complete booking module, allowing front-office staff to set and track appointments easily. However, it also offers pet owners the option to make appointments. In terms of licensing, Provet Cloud provides one of the most generous packages available, imposing no limits on the number of users per license.

Additional features include inventory management, a full suite of pet-owner communication capabilities, and integration with special service requests, such as x-rays. In terms of hospital functions, it allows post-surgery pet tracking and highlights doctor observations and instructions for staff.

In general, pet owners seek professional comfort in times of stress. Provet Cloud offers vets the technical and administrative expertise to ensure such comfort.

Free trial – A free trial is provided.

Pricing – Pricing for vets, clinics, and animal hospitals is among the most affordable in the market.

  • Basic usage: free
  • $75 per month per clinic with an added fee of $20 per user for professional-level features
  • $150 per month per clinic with an added fee of $30 per user for business-grade features that include referral tracking, commissions, and sales events

Note: additional business-building features have a customer-loyalty program.

Mobile app – Mobile is available for Pro and Premium subscribers. However, it is not available for clients using the free subscription service.

Software hosting location – Provet Cloud is cloud-based.

Training – Staff-assisted training is available online. Additional online training resources, such as videos and documents, are also available.

Support – Support is available online via standard business hours.
